Alternative Ways to Give

Gifts in Tribute

Give a gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or occasion is a truly wonderful way to support Theatre For America! Notification of your kindness will be sent to the honoree or family member. You will also receive a letter documenting your tax deductible contribution. When making a Gift in Tribute, please include the contact information for the honoree of the family member; and indicate if your gift is intended for any special purpose.

Planned Giving: Leaving a Legacy

TFA is continually expanding our reach and impact on American communities. But, our growth must be fueled by fiscal stability and long-term sustainability. Leave a legacy that will last beyond what you give today, benefitting generations to come. Individuals who include TFA in their will, retirement plan, charitable lead trust, charitable remainder trust, or life insurance policy become members of our TFA Curtain Call Legacy Society.

There are countless ways to give. Contact the TFA Development Office and let us help you find the one that’s best for you.

Business Partners Program

Theatre For America offers wonderful opportunities to enhance awareness of your brand and serve the needs of your company, clients, and employees. Partnering with TFA is a powerful way to give back to the American community, connecting your company with other leading companies that champion the cause of American Unity.

Join our Business Partners Program or sponsor one of our shows, tour stops, or educational programs. Each opportunity for involvement brings unique association with Theatre For America’s artistry, nationwide audiences, strong media presence, and dynamic mission. We look forward to welcoming you to the theater. Contact our Development Office today to join our team!